
Midterm Election Special



Your vote counts. But will your vote be counted? Alia and Bob team up again for a very special election episode to get to the bottom of Alia’s democratic anxiety: Are voting machines even the easiest way to hack an election? At what stage is your vote most vulnerable? And is democracy doomed in the digital age?!?! Hear from a whole slew of experts – hackers, cyber-security specialists, the team at DefCon’s “Voting Village”, and more – as we break out the full lifecycle of your vote and every hackable step along the way. We'll cover: DefCon presenting their Voting Village findings in DC. Hacking into voting machines 15 years ago with Harri Hursti (Black Box Voting hacker, originator of “The Hursti Hacks”). The vulnerability of voting systems and consequences of HAVA (Help America Vote Act) with tech journalist Kim Zetter (“The Crisis of Election Security”, New York Times). Disinformation and trolling campaigns with researcher Nick Monaco (Oxford Internet Institute, The Computational Propaganda Project; Goo