Panacea Quest

Oliver Robins: From Child Star of Poltergiest to Poignant Film Maker



Oliver Robins, child star of the Steven Speilberg Film "Poltergeist", is currently on an exciting journey as an artist. After appearing in blockbusters such as Airplane, Polstergiest I and II, and various television movies, his ultimate dream was clear--he wanted to tell stories.Robins graduated from the prestigious USC School of Cinema-Television, and immediately started making films.As a Writer & Director, he would like to talk about his new film "29,000 Wishes and 1 Regret."This film tells a story which may connect with many people these days: how is a couple's relationship affected by the financial roller coaster of the economy when they must face what is truly important--themselves.The panacea here is in the discovery of inner-self morality, integrity, and love over materialism. We must learn the hard lesson that he or she who has the most toys is not king or queen, but the true fool.We shall have the writer and director of this film, Oliver Robins, as our guest.The film website is: www.29000wishes.c