Energize Your Life! With Cary Weldy

"The Power of Art to Create and Manifest Anything"



Are your artwork and home accessories keeping you from achieving your ideal weight? Are you single because your Facebook photos are creating your experience of being alone or lonely?Oscar Wilde once said: "Paradoxically though it may seem, it is none the less true that life imitates art far more than art imitates life."As a designer and builder, and a student of the Masters of art, architecture, and energy, I have discovered that Wilde was right:  Your art certainly creates your reality.Joined by guest host Rita Karras, we will discuss how you can use art to create your reality, and how it has manifested your life experiences. Learn how every line, color, image, symbol, shape, logo, and movement are creating "attractor fields" for manifesting.Discover how your artwork and accessories in your home and office are creating the very reality you experience in your life.  Find out the principles of cause and effect, with actual stunning cases with Cary's clients on how they were able to easily manifest things in th