Sylvia Dickey Smith

Hear author Lauren Clark



About writing strong women, Lauren Clark says, "I'm not drawn to books about a "perfect" heroine who's a size two (even after birthing triplets), a woman who has flawless skin, nineteen best friends, a wonderful, gorgeous husband, and lives in a mansion on the ocean.  That's just not reality!  Life is messy. Life is complicated. Life throws you curve balls.  I like the freedom of having a quirky character who's not perfect. I also believe that a good heroine should be a strong--on her own. While it's okay to have a Prince Charming waiting in the wings, she doesn't need a man to swoop in and solve all of her problems. She's smart, makes mistakes, and learns as she goes, defining her own future." The Deep South is a favorite setting for Lauren Clark's novels; contemporary fiction sprinkled with secrets, sunshine, and surprises. Her heroines are real women with real obstacles in their lives; challenges that require strength, sacrifice, and personal growth. And while it’s nice to have a prince charming on