Matt B Davis Runs

Start Line Sean, See Dane Run and the Return of the Run Bum



First up, I welcome Sean "Run Bum" Blanton back to the show. Sean is an ultra runner who puts on races with what I like to call "OCR Spirit". He is back to talk about two races he just race directed:The Georgia Death Race and The Yeti Nightmare, and talk about how they went.  Next, I will play my interview with "Start Line" Sean Corvelle. He is the man who leads everyone through the hype andTough Mudder Pledge before every heat. You will hear what he did during my first Tough Mudder that turned me into a Sean Corvelle fan. Finally, I will play an interview I did a few months ago with Dane Rauschenberg. Dane has run a ton of marathons, written two books,  and has done very well on the speaking at marathon expo circuit. Along the way he has had a lot of distractors. One even went as far as to create a website disparaging his efforts.  I was really curious to find out more about him.