Taking A Walk With Resiliency

Episode Two: Actions Speak Louder Than Words (Building Trust)



Summary:On this episode of Taking a Walk with Resiliency, our topic is actions speak louder than words and this adage’s role in the trust building process. Right off the bat, Ashley points out a huge cognitive distortion that so many people are prone to buying into: trust should be given, not earned. This idea of “innocent until proven guilty” may work in the legal system, but it does not translate to personal relationships. True trust must be developed over time through the mutual investment of both people, so that they both have skin in the game. If you get something for free, you have no reason to treasure and take care of it. You aren’t going to put it on a prominent shelf to be displayed for all to see. But if you work hard for something and commit a lot of time and resources into caring for it, you will cherish it always.In law enforcement, officers are taught to trust no one because human nature is so unpredictable. Assuming anything about a person puts you in a dangerous position. People tend to go th