Dear World, Love Delilah

Tea Time Mini - Episode 7.5 - Kindness



Hello World!   Welcome to Ep. 7 ½ of Dear World, Love Delilah, coming to you in the form of Thursday’s Tea Time Mini: A bite sized piece of inspiration when a few minutes is all you have!   Today’s Yogi Tea time quote: “Preach Kindness at all times, and when necessary, use words.”   Want to get your hands on the FREE E-Guide I created to help you get closer to feeling the way you WANT to feel with 5 Small Ways to Make Big, Beautiful Changes in Your Life? You can get that here!  Annnnnnd, I will also send you another freebie in a few days- it is a perfect compliment to the guide that I know you will love!   For more on and from Darcee Lee visit her at or shoot her an email at to let her know what you want to talk about, hear about, or read about!   You can also find her on Instagram and facebook AND if you really want to hang out, see what she is doing, or catch her live, check out her public group where all the cool (in that nerdy-quirky-awesome-cool kind of way)  and/or her