Frost & Cinder

Mastering Mountains with Cathy O'Dowd



Cathy O'Dowd is a South African rock climber, mountaineer, author and motivational speaker. She was the first woman to reach the summit of Mount Everest from both the north and south sides. She has traversed the Norwegian Arctic and has climbed towering mountains throughout central and southern Africa, the European Alps, South America and the Himalaya. She has led a life rich in mountaineering epics and outdoor wonder. She is an inspiration to many. Today she shares her enthusiasm for the wilderness and what she has learned while step-kicking and front-pointing her way into the ranks of mountaineering royalty. You can find Cathy on Twitter, Facebook and Instagram @cathyodowd. Her website for speaking engagements is The business of adventure is a fabulous resource for anyone thinking about how to effectively get their next expedition up and running. Follow along on twitter @bizofadventure and sign up to the mailing list at This is Frost and Cinder. Subscribe on iTun