Write Life Podcast With Kim Klassen

21. the write life 10 & 1 class all in one episode



Oh my word, it's been such an amazing few weeks. Ups, downs, and in-betweens. But...wow...just wow... I'm feeling so blessed. Today's episode is inspired by Karen - one of the lovely WRITE life 10 & 1 students After reading Karen's note, I decided to bundle up the 5-day WRITE life class into this week's podcast episode. Here's the message Karen shared. Kim this course has been so amazing! I woke my husband up this morning after I'd been working on my 10 & 1 page and he said, "You're different. You're so.....happy! You look so beautiful." Oh, my heart! I told him I was going to save my pennies (even though we don't have them anymore lol) so I could sign up for Write Your Heart's Desire sometime in the future. When he got home from work he told me he'd figured out how we could afford it now. So....I'm signed up!! Can't wait to get started. The exercises this week have changed my whole outlook on my life. I can only imagine what WYHD will do for me. Thank you and God bless. So beautiful ... Right!  Ama