Spiritual Charlotte

Episode 44 - We're Diving Into the Urantia Book with Thomas Orjala!



Join us today for an unforgettable and intriguing interview with Thomas Orjala, President of the Inland Northwest Urantia Society, among other Urantia group involvement. Do you know about the Urantia book? It's a BIG book - a collection of papers that is considered a Divine revelation masterpiece directly from a loving Infinite and Eternal God. It has changed many paradigms, narratives, and lives of individuals and communities who study it. This is what urantia.org has to say about it: "The Urantia Book, first published by Urantia Foundation in 1955, presents us with the origin, history, and destiny of humanity. It answers questions about God, life in the inhabited universe, the history and future of this world, and it includes an uplifting narrative of the life and teachings of Jesus.  All human beings are the sons and daughters of a loving God and therefore brothers and sisters in the family of God. The book provides new spiritual truth for modern men and women and a pathway to a personal relationship with