Write Life Podcast With Kim Klassen

ep. 20 going all-in at any age, stage or circumstance



Last week I shared the story of re-scripting our trip to Seattle. This week... Oh, my word...who knew a quick trip could bring such an amazing gift. Lately, I've been feeling a little less-than-inspired. My birthday (51) didn't seem to help my mood. Then came Seattle... a 5 minute chance encounter... and oh my word the lights came on. I'm officially all-in on 51!  I've decided it's the perfect age for me to be. And, I plan on leaning all-in as I move toward making my dreams come true. This week a call to re-connect to your dreams, whatever age, stage or circumstance you are in. Join Us: Round 2 of WRITE life 10 & 1 starts May 20th. Don't' miss this. It's FREE.  Refreshed and new. If you joined the first, feel free to jump in again. I'm coming to you all fresh and renewed. Join the WRITE life 10 & 1 challenge Round 2 here. or Take the leap and join WRITE your heart's desire for $50 off. Click HERE for all the info.