Naked Strategy

Naked Strategy 5: Flying too close to the sun



Sometimes it seems that innovators and value-adders just can't win. They're dammed if they do and dammed if they don't. Fly too close to the sun and your wings melt. Fly too far away and you achieve nothing. As Max and Laurence discuss in the latest Naked Strategy, what entrepreneurs and risk-takers need to know is how close is too close, how far is far enough. They need to know where the line is and – if they're very lucky – develop some sort of sense as to when they're in danger of crossing it. Yet instead of celebrating those who try but fail to achieve everything they set out to achieve, society's army of second-guessers and armchair quarterbacks like nothing more than to criticise those who have tried to achieve something but failed. And then there are the politicians who spout the mantra of accountability when what they're really looking for is someone to blame. All of which makes up enough criticism and derision to make you wish you never tried to fly at all. So let's remember that there is a