Tech Talk With Rishi

Tensorflow in .Net with ML.Net - Czako Zoltan



In this podcast we cover; 1. The characteristics and types of neural networks.  2. Enabling computer vision with deep convolution neural networks. 3. Uses and characteristics deep learning; multi-layer neural networks. 4. Risks of using deep learning in predictive maintenance. 5. Cloud AI services such as IBM Watson and AWS.  6. Recommendation systems using knowledge graphs; Wikidata.  7. Transfer learning and Fine tuning with NasNet and 8. AI processes running in the client side with Tensorflow.js.  9. Open source machine learning Github Repo for .net from  10. Machine learning tasks such as regression, multi-class classification and clustering.  Our guest is Czako Zoltan - Masters in Computer Vision and Artificial Intelligence. Czako Zoltan contact details: Linkedin: Blog: Medium: https://medium.