Anthropology And Society: Presentations By Charles Menzies

From Fishing Industry to Fishing Heritage



From April 20-23, 2006 I was an invited participant at the Muros Congress on Tourism and Fishing Communities. This event was organized by a variety of government and university centers, most notably the Centre for Studies in Tourism based at the University of Santiago de Compostella. The objective of the congress was to explore the ways in which tourism might be combined with the more traditional activities of commercial fishing to provide a long term and sustainable economic future for the municipality of Muros. Speakers involved representatives of Galician communities who had tried various tourism approaches, local academics, and representatives such as myself who were invited to present on the experiences in places as disperse as Northern Norway, Wales, and British Columbia. My own talk, available here, focused upon the ways in which tourism in Prince Rupert has developed in the context of Prince Rupert's fishing industry.