Career Revolution With Dr. Ck Bray | A Place To Fix, Change Or Create Your Best Career

Episode 526 Are You Time Blind? A Brain View of a Common Phenomenon



Does this describe you? Despite your best efforts, you are constantly late to meetings and appointments of all kinds. You always try to cram in one more thing before you leave. You frequently underestimate the amount of time things take. Every task expands to fill more time than you can afford. No matter how early you start your day, you're always racing against the clock. At the end of the day, you wonder where all the hours went. You might be time blind! In today’s episode, Dr. Bray discusses what time blindness is and some of the solutions that can quickly solve this malady. You will be surprised by what you find. **Time Blindness: Why You’re Always Late, Why You Underestimate How Long It Takes to Finish Something, and What to Do About It. Chris Guillebeau (March 20th, 2024). From Yearofmental QUOTES BY DR. BRAY “Allow more time for transitions, it will change your life!” “Plan rest periods to avoid the hyper-focus/burn-out cycle.”