Cpa Australia Podcast

Expert analysis of new changes to climate reporting



The world of financial reporting, auditing, assurance and tax advice seems far away from a subject like climate change. But the challenge of sustainability reporting, and the requirements that will fall on the accounting profession, are getting closer and closer.  This podcast will deliver insights on the changes set to happen in sustainability reporting obligations. Delve into the expert analysis on how these measures could impact accountants, finance professionals and businesses alike.  Don’t miss out - tune in to stay ahead of the climate reporting curve. Host: Simon Downes, External Affairs Lead, CPA Australia Guest: Patrick Viljoen, ESG Lead, Policy and Advocacy, CPA Australia For further information, head online to read CPA Australia’s ESG policy submissions.  Other podcasts on corporate disclosure and ISSB’s new reporting standards are also available on the CPA Australia platform.  Additionally,  you can find industry feedback on Australian Sustainability Reporting Standards – Disclosure of Climate