
Rand(Nerds); Episode 237 - Mr Prepper, Little Nightmares, For All Mankind



Welcome to episode 237 We kick off with discussing Valentine's Day, traditionally a day for spoiling the ladies, and we find out Denmark has a special day to follow up for the guys. it doesn’t quite have the same romantic name, we also find out Zaber would not skip games night for love. Ram gives us a little bit of background on the concept of prepper’s, people getting prepared for the worst case scenarios but stocking up on supplies and building bunkers. This brings onto what he’s been playing in Mr Prepper. You have to build a bunker, scavenge or trade supplies and maintain a facade for the oppressive government agents. All to get to the end goal of escaping from the country. The game has been generally well received and has some neat ideas, but Ram feels it lets itself down with a grinding slog to get what you need and not being partially hard. Zaber has been playing a horror game called Little Nightmares, playing as a small girl trying to navigate through puzzle’s with stealth to escape a nightmarish