Alan Weiss' The Uncomfortable Truth

The Post-Pandemic Blues



The pandemic is a milestone event. Even if the medical effects have been ameliorated (which is debatable), the social impact is huge and continuing. Some of the evidence: • Some people continuing to wear masks, which also serve as a “warning” to others, and is an extreme behavior if one isn’t otherwise medically compromised. Covid transmission interpersonally would require someone in very close proximity for an extended period of time. Also, masks prompt people to keep touching their faces, which can cause further disease spread. • “Live” business meetings have been hugely reduced, from conventions of thousands to conferences among a few people. • Business travel has been commensurately reduced with remote meetings preferred. • People are suffering from mental health issues being in isolation in their homes, even with family, because of the inability to have lunch or a drink with co-workers. • Work pressures have mounted as leaders try to figure out how to assign and measure productivity among people who are