Important, Not Important

2024: The Gaps and How to Close Them



This week: Today’s essay is my version of a 2024 preview. Unlike other previews, though, it’s less, “This is what is going to happen” and more “These are the table stakes as far as I can tell.”I think that approach is much more helpful, but you can be the judge.Here's What You Can Do:Donate to the 19th, an independent newsroom that focuses on gender, politics, and policy. Journalism is being hit hard, and small outlets that do incredible work like the 19th are more essential than ever.Volunteer with the Environmental Voter Project. If there was ever a year to do this, it’s this one.Get educated about multisolving with resources from The Multisolving Institute. As you’ll read in the essay below, the issues are myriad, but we can choose solutions that address many problems at once.Be heard about green transportation by urging your representative to reject cuts to Amtrak.Invest in companies that are