Important, Not Important

2023 Review: What Just Happened?



This week: I’m back today to share my 2023 wrap-up. It’s a pretty stream-of-consciousness endeavor, but I think it sums up where I was right in my 2023 preview, where I was very wrong, how the world changed — or didn’t — and most importantly, how we responded.Here's What You Can Do:Donate to CAMFED to help them educate 5 million girls in Africa by 2030 (educating girls is key to building climate resilience!)Volunteer with Action for the Climate Emergency, a network of young people working in key states to register young voters and educate them on climate change and climate justice.Get educated about your country’s GHG emissions to thoroughly understand how and where to prioritize decarbonization resources using the Country Emissions Inventory from Climate Trace. Filter by year, sector, and type of GHG.Be heard about protecting pregnant people at a federal level and urge your representative to support codifying abortion access.Invest in solar and elec