EOFire | Daily chats with Entrepreneurs On Fire

How to be Brilliantly Resilient After Life's Sucker Punches with Mary Fran Bontempo and Kristin Smedley: From the 2021 archive



From the archive: This episode was originally recorded and published in 2021. Our interviews on Entrepreneurs On Fire are meant to be evergreen, and we do our best to confirm that all offers and URL's in these archive episodes are still relevant. Mary Fran Bontempo and Kristin Smedley know their brilliance. But they didn’t always. Both Kristin and Mary Fran know what it feels like to be sucker punched by life. But they refuse to let those sucker punches define them. Together they created Brilliantly Resilient - a show, podcast, program and now a book to teach others how to Reset, Rise and Reveal their Brilliance to the world! Top 3 Value Bombs 1. Do not be married to outcomes. There’s always going to be something that pushes you off course, but the beauty is there’s also opportunity in that. 2. When you are executing your brilliance, everything is aligned and you’re feeling good. But don’t assume that it will get you to exactly where you want to go. 3. There are core values in how you live your life - once yo