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3 CIA-Proven Strategies to Raise Resourceful Self-Sufficient Kids | Christina Hillsberg



In today’s episode, we cover parenting and the CIA with Christina Hillsberg. Christina is a former CIA intelligence officer, writer, and recognized expert on women in espionage, intelligence tradecraft, and parenting, and the author of License to Parent:  Being a parent is hard enough already and now we have so much technology to worry about, so how do you teach your kids to build trust and to know who to trust, how do you properly regulate their access to video games and the internet, and how do you teach kids to recognize and avoid danger? What to Listen For Introduction – 0:00 What should you study or work toward if you want to eventually work for the CIA or other intelligence agencies?  Teach kids to build relationships – 14:22 How do you teach your kids to deal with bullies in school? How do you build trust with your kids or stepkids? Dealing with kids and videogames – 30:30  How do you regulate the access to video games and the internet that your kids have to keep them safe? How do you teach you