Dental Slang With Dr. Christopher Phelps And Dr. Jodi Danna

Handing Over the Reins with Dr. Christopher Phelps



In this Dental Slang Podcast episode, we welcome Dr. Christopher Phelps. Dr. Phelps is an entrepreneur, general dentist, author, certified Colby trainer, and an expert in ethical influence and persuasion. He discusses his new role with Sunrise Dental Solutions, his extensive background in marketing, and his recently published book, "The Complete Book on Dental Marketing." Dr. Phelps shares his journey into the world of marketing and how he had to learn the hard way when he was spending $36,000 a month on marketing to acquire just 60 new patients. He eventually turned things around, increasing new patients to over 300 per month while reducing marketing costs by 74%. He emphasizes the importance of tracking marketing efforts to know what's working and what's not. Dr. Phelps also delves into the science of ethical influence and persuasion, discussing the principles that can help dentists improve case acceptance. His new book "The Complete Book on Dental Marketing" goes into detail describing the lead generation