All About Jack: A C.s. Lewis Podcast

(Re-Post) Writing Tips from Lewis and Tolkien (King and Poe)



IN THIS REPEAT:  A chat with Drs. Don King and Hal Poe on writing.   What can a person learn about how to improve one's writing from C.S. Lewis and J.R.R. Tolkien? That was the subject Dr. Don King and Dr. Hal Poe addressed in a session I moderated to kick off a Creative Writing Festival held for high school students at Montreat College on March 31, 2017. This was held just prior to the start of and apart from the Inklings Fellowship Weekend Retreat. At the last minute it ended up being recorded and the results were better than expected, so I thought I'd share the enjoyable time I had with Don and Hal chatting about Lewis and Tolkien in relation to writing. Note that below is are links to an online list of Lewis' works as well as a handout that Dr. King makes reference to that you might find useful. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ See List of Lewis' Writings (online) Handout from Dr. Don King (download Word file) Visit Inklings Fellowship Website Listen to Previous Interviews with Dr. Don King List