Open Rhodes

Release Regret



1 time 20 minute Journaling assignment. We can not drive a vehicle forward by looking in the rearview mirror. Step 1: Get clear: Write down the event in great detail. Tell siri to set timer for 5 mins. Tare out a blank sheet of paper and title it. "I am angry, fearful or feeling regret for the following..." Freely write all the emotions associated with this experience in as many details as possible and when the timer is up, write a closing statement. "I now choose to release this energy. I choose to allow the divine/source to keep me safe and well. And so it is...." By doing this, you are physically removing these energies from your body. Also, notice any labels like (sad, angry, upset etc) as we will be going over these in later talks. Step 2: Find the lessons: By understanding the lesson, we can bless and release these energies with ease. We will go over "Reflections" in later discussions. Step 3: Make the decision to change your state: Find a mirror and say "I choose to accept wha