Pursuit Of Bliss

Finding True Alignment (what it REALLY is) & Navigating Challenges on the Way There



The Spring Equinox came with huge energetic shifts for many of us - the next era of our lives, dreams and selves are now available for us to step into. If you’re feeling the shifts, you’re not alone. It’s important that we navigate this time period with care & consciousness, and it has the power to become an accelerator of alignment. Kristen also shares about how she is once again stepping into uncharted territory in her life and business, merging timelines in her dreams & what she was being initiated to teach next.   Other topics discussed are: The effects of the Spring Equinox The 4 year portal that is ending The newly emerging controversial topic  The powerful dream Kristen had and how it aligned all her possible timelines What you should do when the pains and challenges feel overwhelming What being in alignment means and truly feels + looks like Why Kristen doesn’t regret the painful void period she experienced   Connect With Kristen: Sign up for the Retreat in Greece: http://eyiaretreats.com/unl