Live Well Long Alexandra Van Horn

(Ep 62) When You Decide For You, LIFE HAPPENS!—with Valerie Coyle



Valerie Coyle - Hypnosis Practitioner and Wellness Coach    Valerie lives, works, and sails in the Houston area of Texas.  She is a Certified Professional Hypnotist, National Board Certified Health & Wellness Coach, Certified Life Coach, and Licensed Social Worker.   Through her business - Bona Diem Hypnosis & Coaching with Valerie Coyle - she guides people who are struggling to release fear, patterns, behaviors, and habits. Some examples are anxiety, insomnia, sugar cravings, stubborn weight, stopping smoking and drinking alcohol responsibly.    Using hypnosis and coaching as tools, Valerie’s clients are able to easily and quickly step into their "good day" - their "Bona Diem" - NOW, by accessing and using their personal strengths, life’s experiences, and inner wisdom.  It’s Valerie’s life-long passion to help others on their journey to wellness.   Her favorite question is: “What might be possible for you when you decide for change? Want to get her free gi