Pursuit Of Bliss

Creating a Fulfilling and Purposeful Life



Kristen’s version of her best life has shifted a lot over the past year. She’s removed the pleasurable dopamine hits and replaced it with love, fulfillment and purpose. She is going through a deep purification process to prepare her for what she has been praying for and how the pain she has experienced doesn’t have to equate to suffering.Topics discussed in this episode are: Pain is not here to break you down, what it actually does instead What situation triggered Kristen to have her 10 day purge experience How Kristen went through the process of purification The substances Kristen gave up and how they affected her life What Kristen is now focused on instead of creating a pleasurable life Where faith is born from CONNECT WITH KRISTEN: Sign up for the Retreat in Greece: http://eyiaretreats.com/unleash-your-radiance-retreat-with-kristen/ Apply to work 1:1 with Kristen: https://manifestingabundance.typeform.com/to/RzGNVeiG?typeform Apply for BAA here: https://www.pursuitofbliss.com/blissful-abundance-acade