Sober Cinema

1992 at the Movies: BRAM STOKER'S DRACULA



Thirty years of Anthony Hopkins slut-shaming Winona Ryder. And a redhead of course. We can't forget God's greatest gift to mankind. Other than Sir Anthony it's also the Dread Pirate Roberts and Neo/Constantine/Johnny Mnemonic getting in on the sex negative attitude. Also my co-host informs me The Rocketeer is a prude. I'm glad I did not get that reference. If you are wondering why the IMDb filmography list it's because BRAM STOKER'S DRACULA is one of those sure-fire classics on our rewatch of 1992 in film that we were afraid there'd be no new ground to cover. Then the scissoring talk began. Enjoy! Support what we do on Patreon with bonus episodes and even more afterparties (you have been warned.) Listen: Apple Podcasts/Spotify/Amazon Music/Google Podcasts Facebook/Instagram/Twitter: @sobercinema Follow your hosts on Letterboxd for sneak peaks at film criticism GENIUS: Jairo @truebromance Jared @jgdotson Mike @projectingfilm Find out more at This podcast is powered by Pinecast.